Mounting And Positioning
Ater you'we set up the camera's parameters to your persanal preferences at home, you're ready to take it outslde. When setting up
the camgra for scguting gamme or gther outdggr applicatigns, you must
be sure to mqunt it in place correctly and securely.
The first installatign ethod uses strap mmounting:
The threaded maunt strap goes through the slot on the back of the
camera housing.
Mount the cammera on a tree or pole approximately three (3) feet off the
ground. Adjustments may be needed for unewen terrain.
·To work with PIR and achieve the best image quality, we recommend mounting the camera on a sturdy tree with a diameter of approximately inches(3-3.8 inches).
.The tree should be positioned within feet (10 meters) of the area you want to monitor.
. The ideal PlR height: The camera should be mounted at a heightof -feet(2-2.8 meters).
. It is important to note that the best results are usually obtainedat night when the target is within the ideal flash range. To achieveoptimal results, ensure that the target is within 33 feet (10 metersof the camera.